Our partners in Malawi, Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) conducted an interview with a member of the Mzondola community to find out how a sand dam project has changed his life. Here is what they learned. Read more
In 2023 we spoke with members of the Kwainyoe self-help group in Kenya, who were in the process of constructing the second sand dam in their community. Upon revisiting Kwainyoe, Chairman Harrison and member Agnes shared how their lives were already changing after completing their first sand dam, as well as how they expected to continue to improve their resilience to the challenges they face. Read more
In water-scarce dryland communities, people often rely on one another to help them get through the difficult times. Speaking with two members of the Taa wa Kiuukuni self-help group in southeast Kenya, we learn how this quality of mutual support has helped the community to find shared solutions to the challenges they face. Read more
Water scarcity creates difficulty for anyone who lives with it, but it can make life even harder for those who face additional daily challenges. Speaking with Monica Njazi, from southern Malawi, we learn why a sand dam project means so much to her and her family. Read more
Raphael Thole, secretary of his community’s sand dam committee in southern Malawi, shares his experience of overcoming adversity and water scarcity through hard work and belief in the value of a sand dam project. Read more
When speaking with Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD), our partners in Malawi, a young woman explained to us how a sand dam project in her community inspired her to get involved in addressing the challenge of water scarcity in her own life. Read more
Building any sand dam takes a huge collective effort, but the benefits go far and wide. As we learn from members of the Chimbirge community in Mozambique, nearby access to clean water changes everything. Read more
The Nhamatiquiti community in Mozambique completed their sand dam in August 2023. In a recent visit, Village Secretary, Tome Fianias, shared what differences he is seeing within the community and surrounding environment, now that they have access to clean water. Read more
We interviewed Mozambican farmer and Nhamatiquiti community member Rosa Simione to hear her story, from her community’s previous struggles accessing clean water, to the impact this had on food production and their children, and how their recently completed sand dam is bringing a fresh wave of hope and optimism for all. Read more
Jetá Martimho is a Mozambican farmer working with Micaia Foundation, our local partner in Mozambique, to support her community to benefit from their sand dam project. Hear her story. Read more
Building a sand dam takes a lot of hard work, but the multiple rewards to come make all the efforts worth it according to Mozambican farmer Cesario Finiasse. Read more
Whether trekking long distances in search of water or simply navigating through their everyday struggles, life for those in dryland communities is often full of difficult journeys. Speaking with two members of the Wendano Kwa Nthei community, we hear how their sand dam project is beginning to change their prospects along the road ahead. Read more