Published in September 2017

Annual report’s list of success

As the summer turns to autumn and the nights draw in, many of us will be reaching for a good book. One of the publications that we won’t immediately turn to is Sand Dams Worldwide (formerly Excellent Development)’s annual reports. That’s a shame because it makes good reading for anyone concerned about the lives of the many millions of people who live in some of world’s driest places.

The facts speak for themselves. Since Sand Dams Worldwide was set up back in 2002, we have helped nearly 900,000 people get access to clean water. For roughly the price of a book on the best sellers lists, we can provide a year-round supply of clean water to a person living in a dry and water-scarce part of Africa or Asia.

The figures are impressive. But it’s the human stories behind the numbers that inspire me most. When I meet and talk to the women, men and children who are benefiting from our work I can see how the work of Sand Dams Worldwide is changing their lives for the better.

Take for example Pauline (pictured above), a young woman from Kenya. We have been following her progress after a sand dam was built near her village. Before the dam was built and operating, Pauline could have been like so many young women living in drylands, spending up to 11 hours a day simply collecting water for her and her family. Free from that burden, she has instead been able to go to school and then onto university. Pauline is now a teacher in a local school, something that may never have happened without that investment in a sand dam close to where she lives. 

There are so many inspiring stories of men and women who, with a safe supply of water from a sand dam, have changed their lives forever (click here for just some of those stories).

So I sign off this message with a big thank you to all who are supporting the work of Sand Dams Worldwide. You are helping us make a real difference to people’s lives and, if you have time, do take a look at our annual report. It’s certainly on my 2017 reading list.