Kenya February 2020 expedition resources Excellent Development supports communities in drylands around the world to transform their own lives with sand dams and climate-smart agriculture; in turn, empowering themselves to achieve lifelong access to water and food. Excellent are hosting an expedition to southeast Kenya in February 2020 for volunteers to support a group of community members and farmers to build a sand dam. Watch here to see how a sand dam can transform lives and land: The expeditioners will help build the sand dam, with any fundraising going towards Excellent's work; tools and materials for sand dams, as well as climate-smart agricultural training of community members. This will transform their land through soil and water conservation, help them combat desertification, mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, conserve biodiversity and enable green economic growth. Please donate what you can today to the community and dryland farmers transform their own lives. Helping a community establish climate-smart agriculture means that they will be able to more, nutritious crops. And they can then sell any surplus which creates economic development and helps to end the cycle of poverty. Here are some ways in which your donation could support dryland farmers adopt climate-smart agriculture: Manage Cookie Preferences