Support us Join an expedition About our expeditions September 2018 sand dam expedition with Barclays Isle of Man In September 2018 we had another successful sand dam expedition, this time with Barclays Isle of Man volunteers who helped to raise £40,000 for a new sand dam in southeast Kenya. Hear below their thoughts, along with community members from the Kyekuyu self-help group, and Sand Dams Worldwide staff. Simon Scott, expedition volunteer Nicola Dobson, expedition volunteer Mateusz Mojski, expedition volunteer Catherine Brown, expedition volunteer Catherine Mwikali, community member David Boyle, expedition volunteer Colin Freeman, expedition volunteer Jane Perry, expedition volunteer Neil Hartley, expedition volunteer Nicola Naden, expedition volunteer Peter Wambua, community member Rusell Baker, community member Terryanne Woodbridge, expedition volunteer William Naish, expedition volunteer Emily Brewster, sand dam expedition leader If you'd like to find out more or join a sand dam expedition, contact [email protected] Please donate what you can to help dryland families and farmers build sand dams and develop climate-smart agriculture, so that they can access clean water and food security for life Please select a donation amount (required) £25 could provide a farmer with drought-resistant seeds, so they can feed and support their family. £50 could provide a roll of barbed wire to reinforce a sand dam, anchoring it to the bedrock. £85 could provide 500 seedlings and a spray pump, to protect the trees from insects Other Set up a regular payment Donate Manage Cookie Preferences